Main Street Mural


Main St and Sinclair Lewis Ave, Sauk Centre, MN


The Main Street Mural is located on the southeast corner of Main Street and Sinclair Lewis Avenue. It is located on a building that was at one time the Belmont Hotel.

  • Muralists Roger Reinardy, Carole Bersin, Diane Leukam, and other volunteers started painted the mural in the summer of 2014 and finished the remaining panels in the summer of 2015.

Painted in 2014

Muralists wanted to tell a story of the history of Sauk Centre throughout the panels, displaying an overview of the town with pieces from all decades of the past. There are signs of historical buildings, early settlers and farmers, Lindbergh’s plane, a soldier from World War I writing a letter back home, and Sinclair Lewis looking down over the town.

Muralists wanted to make sure there was a “flow” between each panel and the stories, so they made the river and hillside flow through each panel. Even though the times and people may change, the landscape and the river remain the same.

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